In the video I show how to install the saved game files and present a demonstration of all the contents contained in it. However, note that the game will not re-read the autosave file after you launch it, so replace it before you launch the game. Briefly, 100 completion saved game for Saints Row The Third Remastered on PC. It's probably easiest replacing the autosave file (which is usually the 00 one), loading that, and making a manual save. You have to replace one of your saves with it, and the change will not be reflected in the game's "load" menu.
This its my first thread here, so I hope you like it. Briefly, 100 completion saved game for Saints Row The Third Remastered on PC.I'm from Argentina, so if something its wrong tell me.I recommend you to do a backup of your save before do nothing. There are two ways where can be your save game.Ĭ:/Program Data/Steam/three letters that I don't remember/some numbersĬ:/ProgramFile(x86)\Steam\userdata\123726490\206420\remote Click exit and BOOM! there u've got it!.If files in both the old and new formats exist, the game loads the new format. The updated game can still load the old file format, but it always saves the new format. Buy the operation for $500 (cache) and change everything! SR4 Old and New File Formats Saints Row IV was updated on and the save file format was changed (Windows version only).Go to any "Desinged as desingned" (Medic face waypoint in your map).For people who have the DLCs (or Century Edition) the challenges (like the christmas challenges) will be done too!.The character its a man (you can change it, explained below).No cheats used! So auto saving its activated!.